All too often we receive calls from customers looking for implant components with little more than an apical x-ray of the implant in situ as a guide.
The implant passport is released to the patient by the implantologist after surgery and contains useful information on the products used and constitutes a guarantee on the quality of the components.
The dental implant passport contains space for you to write:
the date of dental implant procedure,
the name (manufacturer) of the dental implants inserted,
the position of dental implants,
the dimensions of each dental implant,
a unique serial number of the dental implants to guarantee originality and quality,
and the stamp and signature of the dentist who performed the implant procedure.
The dental implant passport is valid worldwide and is a recognised medical document. The manufacturer’s dental implant warranty is for a lifetime if the patient adheres to oral hygiene instructions and performs regular semi-annual check-ups.
For every implant you buy from Osseo Group, we'll include one passport for you complete and pass on to your patient.
Check out our full range of Italian-made C-TECH implants HERE.